辣椒红色素 Paprika Oleoresin 辣椒红色素是以红辣椒果实为原料而制成的油状液体,主要成分为辣椒红素和辣椒玉红素,属类胡萝卜素类色素。 Paprika oleoresin, belonging to carotenoid pigments, is a kind of oily liquid extracted from chilies. Its main components are capsanthin and capsorubin. 用途: 主要用于方便面、饼干、烘烤食品、罐头、糕点、辣酱肉等食品、水产品,化妆品和高级饲料等领域。 Application: Mainly used in foods like instant-noodles, biscuits, baked foods, canned-foods, desserts and chili sauced meat and sea products, cosmetics and high-grade animal feeds. 性状: 溶于油脂、酒精、醋酸乙酯、丙酮等**溶剂,不溶于水,对光、热、PH值稳定性好。 Characteristic: Soluble in organic solvents like oils, ethanol, acetic acid and acetone. Insoluble in water; stable under light, heat and PH value. 质量指标: Quality Index: 1、外观:深红色油状液体 1. Appearance: dark red oily liquid 2、色价E1%1cm, 460nm:10色价-250色价 2. Color value E1%1cm, 460nm: 40000-160000cu 3、辣素含量: ≤0.01% 3. Capsaicin content: ≤0.01% 4、溶剂残留(正己烷): ≤20ppm 4. Solvent residual(n-hexane