食品级叶黄素粉末 Food Grade Lutein Powder 食品级叶黄素粉末是由万寿菊鲜花经发酵、提取,**得到叶黄素树脂浸膏,然后精制而得成品。主要成分为叶黄素,糊精。 Lutein powder is obtained from refined marigold oleoresin, which is extracted from fermented marigold flowers. Its main components are xanthophylls and dextrine 用途: 主要用于医药和保健品,建议使用量:0.01-0.2%或根据需要添加使用量。 使用方法:可以直接添加混合使用,拆封后请立即使用或密闭保存。 Application: Mainly used in medicine and health products. Recommend dosages: 0.01-0.2% or according to requirements. Usage: can be directly mixed with other ingredients. Please use it as soon as unsealed, or well resealed for storing. 性状: 黄色粉末,细度<100目,无不良气味,在水中、植物油中较微溶,较易溶于80%以上的乙醇中,1%的水溶液的PH 值在7.5-8之间。 Characteristic: Yellow fine powder, less than 100 mesh. No unpleasant smell, slightly soluble in water and vegetable oils, easily soluble in 80% or above Ethanol. PH value of 1% water-soluble solvent is from 7.5 to 8. 质量指标: Quality Index: 1、叶黄素含量:5-90% 1. Xanthophyll 5 -90% 2